Arriving at Coombe Wood it was snowing again. The breeze was whipping clouds of powdery snow from the trees into swirling flurries. The icy pond had little narrow clear channels creating interesting reflections.
Individual snowflakes were visible on some of the tiny plants.
Primulas peeping above a blanket of snow.
There's something delightful about walking in fresh snow, empty of footprints - however deep it is. Here it was like a generous sifting of icing sugar.
Ferns bowed down with snow.
Mahonias hiding.
I had to take this one - I thought of my cousin and her friend who love to take tall shadow selfies.
I didn't even notice all those red berries in the background while taking photos of the palm leaves covered in snow.
Snowy Korean Pine with cones.
Looking up the hill - I wasn't even going to try going up there today!
Snowy Witch Hazel
The white path made the all the colours along the edge stand out more.
Tracks (a family with a pushchair) along the wide lawn.
Stunning red berries vibrant against the snow.
Suddenly heavy snow fell again - big flakes that brush against your face like soft feathers.
Ivy seed heads.
Looking across the raised flower bed towards the sundial and yew arch.
A splash of orange petals above the snow.
Snowy Euphorbia.
Purple pansies.
Thank you very much for joining me.