Arty journeys...


Thursday, 24 August 2017

August Sketchpack Project continued. Days 17-24

A drawing a day - rusty objects collected on a beach by my sister who lives by the sea. On side two (second half of the month) I decided to draw the biggest rusty object across the opened meander book a section at a time. I'm already half way through the second side - August is hurtling by! The finished Sketchpack will be sent to South Africa to be in an exhibition there. 

Side two so far . . . 

and folded back into the meander book showing how the drawings of the large object become smaller images which vanish into the folds until you unfold around the "corners"!

 Unfolding around the "corner"

Thank you very much for joining me. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Monday morning raindrops (Coombe Wood walk with a friend)

It's always a treat to go for a walk with my friend who is on the same wavelength re nature and photography. We had a cuppa in the Coach House Cafe and then walked . . .

Water droplets on ladies mantle leaves (alchemilla mollis).

Gorgeous rich colours. 

Sweeping drifts of raspberry and yellow. 

These are fluffier than last time. 

Some more water droplets. 

Where did that cushion come from?

Water droplets hanging like diamonds.

Contained by several flowers making little pools of water.

Flowers forming tiny containers. 

Strings of diamonds on red grass stems. 

Drops hanging on late callicarpa flowers. 

and tiny white flowers. 

Starry seed pods. 

Dark berries.

Glittery tree - and a twisted spiders web. 

Acer leaves and seeds.

Pods - turning upwards and beginning to turn red. 

Drips on dark leaves. 

Cornus (cornuses?) - turning red. 

Tiny red acer seeds.

More water droplets.

Spindleberries getting ready to burst open. 

and even more water droplets.

Stunning orange and yellow!

Variety of cosmos colours.

Bees on Cosmos flowers. 

I didn't even notice the bee on this pretty pink dahlia. 

Behind the dahlia - these tall spikes almost blend into the background.

It's worth looking closer - amazing patterns. 

My friend noticed these berries are beginning to turn red.

Some are further ahead than others. 

And some have only just begun the faintest blush. 

Arching crocosmia stems with seed pods. 

I love this colour combination. 

Zebra grass - I'm sure it's taller this year than last year. 


 Yellow rattle. 

White flowers which look like cow parsley from a distance but I think they are something else.

A mass of berries

Abutilon flowers - perfect orange bells.

Lovely colours of love-in-a-mist pods. 

Water droplets again.

Ferns - with seeds. 

That pink and lilac combination again. 

Another fern.

Love-in-a mist pod - closer. 

Orange flowers like tiny wind-socks. 

Strange little green pumpkin-like pods on bright pink stems.

Looking back at the flower bed nearest to the gate. 

Thank you very much for joining me.